Have you ever received a call from someone with a heavy Indian accent
from Microsoft saying your computer had errors or viruses? The purpose
of these calls is to get an easy $299 (or whatever amount they choose)
by scaring you into thinking there’s something really wrong with your
computer and that they can fix it for you.
These telephony scams have been going on for many years and scammers
keep robbing innocent people sadly because their success ratio is still
worth their time and effort. It happens that I got ‘the call’ while
minding my own business on a regular work day. I immediately recognized
what this was all about and decided to play the game to see how far this
would go.The caller’s number did not appear on my phone, a sign that they were using some Voice over IP (VoIP) or such technology that both completely hides their identity and costs them nothing for long distance calls.
This scam is a well-oiled machine which starts off with the alleged
Microsoft representative asking you to turn on your computer to perform
some checks for errors. They essentially make you open different
applications which aren’t typically known by regular users.